"Mike Letorney is truly committed to assisting educators as they plan for their future.  Mike is also supportive of the students and teachers in the school districts he serves by offering innovative and generous programs that encourage students to be avid readers and to attend school regularly.  Most importantly, he is knowledgeable, honest, and always accessible for employees as well as clients.  When you are working with Mike, you know you have his attention and his best efforts."

Matt Ferron
Superintendent, Hanover School

"Mike Letorney has been a friend to Weymouth Public Schools for many years. From supporting new teachers to veteran teachers, his kindness has been far-reaching. Mike created the Nook Reading Challenge and spurred a literacy movement in our town. Students have risen to Mike's challenge to read and in-return he has generously donated hundreds of Nook readers! We are thankful for his support and continuous efforts. He has truly made a difference in our school system."

Dr. Jennifer Curtis-Whipple
Superintendent Weymouth Schools

"The students and staff at Weymouth High have enjoyed the benefits of working with Mike over the years.  Beyond the services that Mike's business provides our staff, it is really his dedication to the lives of the people at WHS that makes the difference.  On his own, out of compassion and enthusiasm for our school, Mike has done so much for our students and our school culture.  His efforts have been a huge help in improving the overall climate and culture within our school."

Peter Haviland
Principal Weymouth High School

"Mike Letorney has been an amazing asset to our school community and many of the teachers here! He truly understands the teachers' 403B plans and pension system and is ever patient in his explanation of all of this to any teacher who asks for his help.  He also works hard to give back to the community in many ways.  He does everything from serving on our School Council as a "town" representative to spearheading the, "If you read a book, you could win a Nook," reading incentive program.  We have had MANY students increase their recreational reading time and win Nooks over the past three years. We are truly grateful for all he does for our school!"

Mary Eastwood, Principal
South School, Hingham

"Hatherly School was thrilled to receive the donation of 2 Nook e-readers from Mike to use as prizes in our winter reading challenge. Students were very motivated to increase their reading for a chance to win the prize. The evening at Barnes and Noble when he presented the ereaders was a great event for the two winners. We are looking forward to our June drawing!"

Mari-An Fitzmaurice, Principal
Hatherly Elementary School, Scituate

"Mike Letorney is a tremendous School-Community Partner! He participates in many of our existing programs and has created some of his own as well.  He interacts with teachers through the New Teacher Induction Program, Weylapalooza (created by Mike), Credit for Life, Prom, Perfect Attendance Awards and the Nook, "Read to Succeed Program (created by Mike), just to name a few.  We find him eager to participate in any opportunity that is of benefit to students and teachers!  He has been named as the Weymouth Teachers Association Friend of Education for 2012-2015.  We sincerely thank Mike for all he has done and all he continues to do to support the Weymouth Public Schools!"

Betsy Harris, Community Relations
Liason, Weymouth Public School


“I was able to save $731 per year on my car insurance (with Mike).  My coverage was increased not decreased. . .I was completely amazed at my savings. If I was willing to go up to a higher deductible, then I could have saved $1000 per

Christine Giacomozzi

Teacher, Braintree Public Schools